What We Do

We are a membership of ordinary Victorians from all walks of life who are standing up to stop the long, slow slide of Victoria into a shadow of its former self.

Over-reach, lack of accountability and incompetence by Victorian governments over the past 20 years has created a slow cultural decline and an economic debt trap for our State. Too many authoritarian activists with fringe ideas have inflitrated the State and, along with compliant ‘fat-cat’ bureaucrats, have imposed their anti-free enterprise and anti-human cultural ideology onto the working and middle class citizens of Victoria.

We promise to be at the forefront of the battle to resurrect the solid intellectual, manufacturing, mining and farming base that underpined Victoria as one of the richest and most fulfilling places on earth in the history of humankind and propelled Melbourne to be the most livable city for so many years. These achievements were the culmination of decades of work by our ancestors that successive state governments have squandered over the past 20 years.

We pledge to Reform and Rebuild Victoria as a free, innovative, educated and successful State to ensure that regain our unique Australian way of life with its tolerant, fair go for all our citizens and those who choose to come here to contribute.


“Whatever our religion and our private convictions, we are the collective inheritors of things both excellent and rare, and political life, for us, ought to have one overriding goal, which is to hold fast to those things, in order to pass them on to our children.”

― Roger Scruton, English Philosopher, from How to Be a Conservative (2019).