Who You Are


All Victorians

You are the ‘ordinary’ Victorians - Australian citizens descendant from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, British and Colonial settlers and convicts and the Native born, along with the New Australian immigrants, as well as more recent migrants and refugees.


You celebrate all the great things about Victoria; our people and our families; our State’s landscape and it’s wide diversity from alpine snowfields to rolling country-side,, deserts and beaches, our people’s diversity and their sense of a fair go; our lifestyle, democracy and the freedoms we all enjoy.

You understand that the key to Victoria’s success in the past was that we Victorians had a dynamism that drove our creativity and excellence in agriculture, the arts, sport, mining, science, technical innovation and manufacturing. Our strengths were our ‘can do attitude’, the diversity of our population and our shared belief in a tolerant and fair civil society.

You believe in our unique form of democracy, where everybody gets one, equal vote. You believe in our State and Commonwealth Constitutions, which have stood the test of time and under which we are all equal - no one group or Elite class should get special privileges or too much power.