Our Platform & Policies

The Platform and Values the ChangeVic Movement

We believe in

  • You as a Victorian, in your innate worth as an individual, in your right to be independent, to own property and to achieve, but also to be personally and socially responsible. We do not believe the State has right to try to interefere in all aspects of your life.

  • Our great State of Victoria - it’s proud past and its rebuilt and better future.

  • The rights and freedoms of all Victorians to reach their full potential for themselves, their families and our community.

  • A responsible State government that minimises its interference into our daily lives but nurtures and encourages Victorians through sensible policies and incentives.

  • An accountable and efficient State government and public service which is low-taxing and supports Victorians by fully encouraging individual, community group and private sector initiatives. We will listen to your ideas and …

  • A State government that nurtures and encourages its citizens through incentive and broad, good policy, rather than putting limits on people and their ideas by punishing them with high taxes and bureaucratic red tape.

  • Our Democracy - We will work to increasing your voice in how Victoria is run by increrasing the use of plebiscites in State and local elections on contentious issues. We will never close or suspend State Parliament and always allow for the State Opposition to have its say on all Government Legislation, no matter how severe the an emergency Victoria finds itself in.

  • Freedom of thought, speech, worship and association.

  • The family, in all its types, and the critical role that parents have in the upbringing of their children. We will never condone the State coming between a parent and their child except in tragic or emergency cases, such as child abuse, neglect or when a child is left as an orphan or abducted.

  • Education and the right of parents to educate their children in their own social and cultural belief systems provided the minimum educational standards of the child are met at each age milestone. We support policies for the continuing education for all Victorians irrespective of their age or abilities.

  • Equal opportunity for all Victorians no matter what their backgrounds, religious or political beliefs.

  • Liberalism and Conservatism. We welcome members who believe in

    • Liberalism - the political and moral philosophy based on the rights of the individual, liberty, consent of the governed, political equality and equality before the law, as well as

    • Conservatism is a cultural, social, and political philosophy that seeks to promote and to preserve traditional institutions, practices, and values. In Western culture, conservatives seek to promote a range of social institutions such as the nuclear family, organized religion, the military, property rights, and monarchy. Conservatives tend to favor institutions and practices that guarantee stability and evolved gradually. Adherents of conservatism often oppose certain aspects of modernity (for example mass culture and secularism) and seek a return to traditional values, though different groups of conservatives may choose different traditional values to preserve.

  • The Free Enterprise System and the encouragement and facilitation of wealth generation, jobs and careers and investment so that all Victorians may enjoy the highest possible standards of living, health, education and social justice during their working lives and in retirement. We believe that history has shown that State authoritarian economic systems such as Socialism, Oligarchies or Croney-Capitalism and Communism just do not work and should not be advocated for in Victoria. That, wherever possible, government should not compete with an efficient private sector and that businesses and individuals - not government - are the true creators of wealth and employment.

  • Home Ownership and State government policies that faciliate first-home buyers without causing high financial burdens on the purchasers or the tax-payers.

  • In preserving and building on Victoria’s Natural Estate by encouraging new technologies and management so as to continue to reduce pollution and over-exploitation of Victoria’s natural resources as well as increasing the quality of our States National Parks and protected areasAustralia's natural beauty and the environment for future generations.

The ChangeVic Movement is dedicated to developing and promoting policies that will halt the decline of Victoria on its current path to mediocrity.

The ChangeVic Movement wants to Rebuild Victoria to once again become the Powerhouse of Australia, with its capital city, Melbourne regaining its 2011 to 2017 crown as the World’s Most Livable City. By 2022, Melbourne had slipped to 10th position.

The ChangeVic Movement supports the liberal ideals of the Federal Liberal Party of Australia here.

Further Details on the Policies Supported by the ChangeVic Movement will developed at each of our monthly meetings - so come along!

Aboriginal Affairs

Debt (State) Policy



Fishing - Recreational & Commercial.

Forests and Timber Industry

Mining and Exploration in Victoria

Housing Affordability

Health Policy


Manufacturing Policy

Public transport

Regional Development Strategy

Transmission Lines - New Electrical Grids for Solar Farms.

Water Resources and Dams

And many more!

Policy Idea: “Increase the Work Bonus for pensioner’s income from the current maximum of $490 a fortnight to a New Work Bonus rate of $1500 per fortnight. This is the amount that pensioners can earn from work to help our economy and skills shortage, and still receive the maximum rate of pension.

Read Current Government System: here

